Importing the library


GEOquery package is

Reading the GSM_ids from the file

data <- read.csv("GEO_samples_metadata _extraction\\GSM_names.csv",header = TRUE, sep = "\t")

Creating the empty dataframe

df1 <- data.frame(
  source = character(0),
  geo_accession = character(0),
  series_id = character(0),
  platform_id = character(0),
  organism = character(0),
  molecule = character(0),
  library_strategy = character(0),
  library_source = character(0),
  library_selection = character(0),
  submission_date = character(0),
  title = character(0),
  data_row_count = numeric(0),  # Use numeric for data_row_count
  contact_country = character(0),
  contact_city = character(0)

Creating the vectors from the readed file

gsm_names <- c(data$GSM_ids)

Aggregating metadata from multiple GSM samples into one dataframe

for (x in gsm_names) {
  gsm_list <- getGEO(x)
  # Extract metadata
  source <- gsm_list@header$source_name_ch1
  geo_accession <- gsm_list@header$geo_accession
  series_id <- gsm_list@header$series_id
  platform_id <- gsm_list@header$platform_id
  organism <- gsm_list@header$organism_ch1
  molecule <- gsm_list@header$molecule_ch1
  library_strategy <- gsm_list@header$library_strategy
  library_source <- gsm_list@header$library_source
  library_selection <- gsm_list@header$library_selection
  submission_date <- gsm_list@header$submission_date
  title <- gsm_list@header$title
  data_row_count <- gsm_list@header$data_row_count
  contact_country <- gsm_list@header$contact_country
  contact_city <- gsm_list@header$contact_city
  institute <- gsm_list@header$contact_institute
  # Create a temporary data frame for the current iteration
  df <- data.frame(
    Source = source,
    Geo_accession = geo_accession,
    Series_id = series_id,
    Platform_id = platform_id,
    Organism = organism,
    Molecule = molecule,
    Library_strategy = library_strategy,
    Library_source = library_source,
    Library_selection = library_selection,
    Submission_date = submission_date,
    Title = title,
    Data_row_count = data_row_count,
    Contact_country = contact_country,
    Contact_city = contact_city,
    Institute = institute
  # Append the temporary data frame to df1
  df1 <- rbind(df1, df)

Saving Aggregated dataframe

write.csv(df1, "GEO_samples_metadata _extraction\\GSM_metadata.csv", row.names=FALSE)